The Long Road to Achievement

During the pandemic I set a new fitness goal. I wanted to build muscle and eliminate my excess belly fat. As a petite person who has been active my entire life, I optimistically thought stepping it up would be straightforward.  

I found a picture of a woman I wanted to emulate, stuck it on my wall, and began what I thought would be a relatively short fitness journey.

With solid dedication and discipline, I’ve been working at it. For the past four years. I’m not there yet.

Hofstadter’s law, which states that a project always takes longer than expected, even when the law is taken into account, has proven especially true for me in areas where there isn’t a clear pathway.

Typically, I power through tasks and finish projects or reports ahead of schedule. However, when pursuing a goal that requires navigating uncharted territory and where trial and error are necessary, it often does take longer than expected.

This situation, while frustrating, has also been a great teacher. It is through these winding journeys that I learn unexpected things that require me to shift my mindset and develop new habits, which takes time.

Take my fitness journey as an example. I’ve come to understand that there is much more to getting in shape than eating healthy and going for a run. I’ve learned about dietary intolerances, macros, and how they impact my body. I’ve learned that weightlifting is far more beneficial than cardio. Most importantly, I’ve learned that change takes longer than expected, and that I need to stay the course.

This is a lesson I’ve learned as a yogi and one I’m learning as an entrepreneur too. And along the way, I have discovered a few strategies that have helped me. I’m confident they can help you too.

1. Adjust Expectations: Growth takes time, and it requires patience. Remember Hofstadter’s law and give yourself the grace to extend timelines and be flexible with your goals.

2. Embrace Learning: Take the time to learn about yourself and your goals. Whether it’s fitness, a new skill, or a business venture, greater knowledge will help you make better, more informed decisions, that inevitably will speed up the process in the long run.

3. Seek Support: Find a community who can offer advice or encouragement. I’ve surprisingly found positive fitness communities online. They keep me motivated and I’ve learned a lot from them.

While these are only a few strategies, and they may be ones you already know, it is good to be reminded and to strategically put them into practice.  

So, as a challenge this week, I encourage you to identify one area related to a goal you have that needs a strategy adjustment. It might be deepening your knowledge, adjusting a timeline, or seeking support.

Immerse yourself in this process, trying one or all three strategies. See how strategically adjusting expectations, embracing learning or gaining support can move you and your goals forward.

Best wishes, Lauren


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