Finding Your Focus: One Word to Define Your Year

In December, I came across a thought-provoking social media post by Ryan Holiday. He shared a unique tradition he and his wife uphold: choosing a word to guide them through the year. Last year, their chosen word was “less”. They wanted less stuff, less distractions, and less commitments, so they could have more presence and peace.

This concept resonated with me, and I began considering my word for 2024. After much consideration, I settled on “focus”. As someone with many interests and hobbies, I often find myself thinly stretched, leaving me more drained than fulfilled. My passions, instead of rejuvenating me, become stressors.

To adopt a more balanced and fulfilling approach, I decided to channel my energies into a select few areas that I value: weightlifting, yoga, my marriage, teaching, and giving back.

But this wasn't about redoubling my efforts. Rather, it was about honing in on specific aspects and nurturing them with greater care and attention. For instance, I decided to dedicate just five extra minutes daily to deepen my pigeon pose in yoga, aiming to enhance my hip flexibility. Or adding an additional ten minutes to my 3x-weekly gym sessions for an extra set of weights.

The goal here is strategic enhancement, not overwhelming expansion. By applying incremental yet consistent efforts in these few chosen areas, I aim to deepen my engagement and, consequently, yield more substantial and satisfying results.

Interestingly, this philosophy mirrors a key principle in successful business practices. In business, just like our personal life, success is not always about expanding our efforts in every direction. Success often comes from focused, disciplined work on key tasks—those that promise the most significant returns. Just like in personal growth, in business too, the art of focusing can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, turning minimal yet targeted efforts into impactful results.

This realization leads us naturally to consider how we can apply this principle of focus more broadly, both in our personal lives and in our business endeavors. Here are some actionable steps to help guide this process:

  1. Identify Core Areas: Whether in your personal life or business, pinpoint key areas that demand your focus. This might involve specific projects, personal hobbies, or vital aspects of your business. Reflect on what truly drives your passion and productivity.

  2. Set Clear, Achievable Goals: Establish specific, measurable goals. Aim for objectives like mastering a new skill, enhancing customer experiences, or deepening personal relationships. Ensure these goals align with your overall vision and values.

  3. Allocate Dedicated Time: Schedule uninterrupted time blocks for these activities or tasks, ensuring you provide time for your areas of focus. Treat these time blocks as non-negotiable appointments with yourself.

  4. Regularly Review and Adjust: Consistently assess your progress. Are you moving closer to your goals? Be prepared to tweak your approach as needed. Remember, flexibility in your method can be as important as consistency in your efforts.

  5. Embrace the Power of Saying No: Sometimes, focusing requires turning down opportunities or requests that don't align with your primary areas of focus. Be thoughtful about what you commit to, ensuring it contributes to your primary objectives.

In essence, whether it's in our personal lives or in the business world, the mantra of 'less is more' holds profound truth. It's about making each action count, ensuring that every effort, no matter how small, is purposeful and impactful.

So, as I begin my journey of focused growth in 2024, I invite you to reflect on your approach to your passions, commitments, and perhaps even your business strategies. Could a shift in focus be the key to unlocking a more fulfilling and successful year? Or perhaps another word is more appropriate for your growth.

Whatever your choice, let it guide you towards a year of intentional action and meaningful progress.

Best wishes,




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